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Useful Links

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Mental health & Wellbeing

Derbyshire Young Carers - Support  Young Carers across the county (Not Derby City). We believe Young Carers should have the same opportunities as everyone else.


Anxiety UK - Advice and support for people living with anxiety.


Childline - Support for children and young people in the UK, including a free 24-hour helpline.


Frank - Confidential advice and information about drugs, their effects and the law.


Relate  - Provides help and support with relationships, including counselling, telephone counselling and anonymous live chat.


Sexual Health Services - Condoms by post – this includes C-Card for 13-24 year olds and 24 years+
Oral contraception – virtual assessment and prescriptions posted out
Postal emergency contraception (over 16s only).

Under 16s can still contact the service to request emergency contraception via our information and booking line
STI & HIV testing – including treatment for chlamydia by post
Virtual sexual health promotion advice


Derbyshire School Nurses - Derbyshire School Nursing team work with children and Young People aged 5-19.  This includes working in the community support 6 key areas;

- resilience and wellbeing
- keeping safe
- healthy lifestyles
- maximising learning and achievement
- supporting health and wellbeing needs
- transitioning (to school, secondary school or to adulthood)


The ChatHealth  service is a free and confidential text messaging service, approved by the NHS for Young People aged 11-19. This service is open Monday –Friday between 9am and 5pm. Young People can receive text messaging support from a School Nurse on Duty by texting 07507330025.

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